Wednesday, August 5, 2009

...put a little money into traveling

The night before Alex's first day of work here in Brussels I coaxed him into trimming up the locks on the back of his neck that he holds so dear. I thought that it'd be a good idea to just clean him up a bit so as to look sharp on the first day of the job. He conceded to then let me freshen up his mullet. My sense of confidence in the task was much greater than what it should have been considering that my experience with cutting real people's hair is limited to the occasional summer trims I give to my grandmother Jinny's classic, one layer bob she's been sporting my entire life, at least.

So with that false sense of confidence I grabbed the kitchen sheers and started cutting.

Is it really that big of a surprise that it turned out much the same as my grandmother's?
It shouldn't be.

So when Alex found out our friends had some clippers he did this handsome do

And I, accidentally, did this

A little hasty?
But I was more careful after the first swipe and did just the tiniest trim
(what I was aiming to do from the beginning) with the rest of my hair.
Besides, at the rate my hair grows, it'll all be the same length again in just 2 short years.

Oh and a quick recap on our Saturday in Amsterdam.

A couple things tipped us off that this might be an interesting day.
The extra potent, spiked hair, diamond studded, pink and purple shirted men on the train and the protestor outside of the station raised our suspicions, but it wasn't until we saw this

and this

that we realized we were in Amsterdam on their Gay Rights Day.
And in all honesty, I was thoroughly impressed with the parade planners and enthusiastic attendees.

It was by far the longest and most highly attended parade I've ever been to (and the Provo Freedom Festival Parade is no small deal).
We did manage to eat lunch at Gratine, the tea room Cassie, Chelsey and I found a few weeks ago.

It's a tiny, husband and wife operated tea room that uses ingredients from their own garden, decorated with their own, hand picked antique collection.

Really, it alone is worth a trip to Amsterdam.

After lunch we forked out the dozen and a half euros to see the totally-worth-it Van Gogh museum and then spent probably too much time at this too-good-to-pass-up photo op.

Oh, and we did make this exceptional spotting.

He's up there. Up high in that small window of the building between the
"We Are" rainbow signs.
Ta Da!
So maybe JK really does know a thing or two about Dumbledore and his personal life.
But she also claims that Harry Potter is just a made up story, so...

I just so happened to be wearing the wrong/right (however you want to look at it) color that day, cause apparently, pink is the new purple.

Hoo-Gay for Amsterdam!


Kellee Marie Cook said...

This looks like so much fun. again, I am wondering why I have not come out there yet. Cross your fingers that I win the lottery or the government sends me some big fat check. anyways, I miss you dearly and happy that you are having so much fun.. and that you saw dumbledore..

Mandy said...

Looks like a very fun, and interesting, day!

Good thing there is a hair dresser in the family. She can have you fixed up in no time.

Brianna said...

Annie I was so happy to stumble upon your cute blog! I've been wondering why I haven't been seeing you at the flowerbasket lately... this explains a lot! Looks like you guys are having so much fun over there!

Mama Judy said...

Did I ever tell you the time Dad and I and the Gallands happened upon a Gay parade in New York? The parade was a jaw-dropper(kissing gay men, men?in drag with amazing Rockette costumes) especially for straight out of the country people like us. The funniest thing, however, was watching Ginny's face. Every time I turned to look at her because of an another amazing sight, she had this look that looked like she'd just smelled the most disgusting thing ever. She just made me laugh. I'm so glad you're seeing so much of the world. I would have loved the Van Gogh museum, I'm sure. I love Alex's new do but I mostly love you both. The lonesomeness is getting serious around here. Keep up the good work, Annie. I love this blog. Hugs and kisses, Mom

Bryan, Mary, Abby & Lorin said...

I love your blog. I finally updated ours if you want to see it. Read a couple of posts down ... it's pretty funny. Love you. And, did you get my email? I'm wondering if I can borrow your car while I'm in Utah.

Emily Frame said...

i have never felt more terrible. we called her ann on EVERYTHING. the invite, her place card, my mom called her that all night. the worst.

A and L said...

your poor hair! i'm not quite clear on how you lopped off one side.

Cassie said...

I want that pink hat with the fuzzy boa around the rim.

I anxiously await your return. Both of you. But mostly Annie.